
Monday 7 December 2020

Doing your best

                                      Doing your best

today we had to do a google drawing about doing your best we had to fill out box's to say how you know you're doing your best here's my work.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Being on time

 On Monday we started a google drawing about being on time.on one side we had to put how it affect others if we are early and if we finish our work on time.on the other side was the opposite so not being on time.

Thursday 15 October 2020

my bucket  

On Monday we had to fill my bucket we did this by writing six things we are good at or strong at and here is my one.

Thursday 24 September 2020



This term we have been doing dance the dance was jazz and we had 8 weeks to learn the dance and then we dance on the 9 week the dance was hard to learn we had red and grey.when we got to the Isacc theatre we watch all the other dances first and then we were last and when I got up there it was scary a little bit but we did pretty good.  

Thursday 17 September 2020

Student Summit

Student Summit

Today we did 2020 Student Summit we did it for the two blocks of school so morning tea and almost lunch. We had to join google meets to watch and then you could go do the activity and all of my activities where fun sometimes you couldn't hear the person and join some google meets so you had to join another activity and it would lag sometimes. 

Tuesday 15 September 2020



                                                                    My Shadow

The connection I made with is when someone is copying what I do.

The poem is organized in 4 lines and 4 stanzas

I think the tone of the poem made me feel happy because he will never be alone

The poetic devices in the poem are 4 personifications 2 similes

I think the meaning of the poem is You always have a friend  

My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson | Kids poems, Funny poems, Poetry for  kids

Thursday 10 September 2020


Poetry Response

The connections I made with the poem are when my friends not at school so I'm lonely.

this poem is made with There are four stanzas and 6 lines.

the tone of the poem made me feel happy because he saw dancing daffodils and he wasn't alone.

the poetic devices I found 1 hyperbole. a host of golden daffodils.1 personification. fluttering and dancing in the breeze.1 simile I wandered lonely as a cloud.

what is the meaning of this poem You always will find a friend.

Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Tittle. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.
Author. William Wordsworth.

Wednesday 2 September 2020


   Today we played with shapes for math and here are my shapes.
this is a  pyramid

Friday 28 August 2020

Challenging Myself

Challenging ourself.

Today we were challenging ourselves.
To make new risks so here is my one.

Monday 27 July 2020

what is poetry

this is all I know  right now about poetry 

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Inquiry and arts Reflections

Inquiry and Arts Reflections

Art: I thought our Tapa Art unit was interesting because…we could learn about it more and we got to do it

If I rate myself out of 10 for how well I participated in our art unit, I would give myself a… 10/10

In our Tapa Art unit, I learned:

1)how they make the tapa

2)they have different meanings

3)how they made the cloth

Inquiry: I thought our Social Science unit about inventions throughout time was interesting because… We got to look at what it looked like in the old days.

If I rate myself out of 10 for how well I participated in our Inquiry unit, I would give myself a…10/10

In our innovations unit, I learned: the difference

1) what olden day things look like

2)rich kids had it easy

3)rich kids got to go to school

Thursday 2 July 2020

tapa design

tapa design on Monday and Tuesday.

 we have been doing this thing called tapa cloths we grabbed a brown bit off paper and vivid and we drew a design with pencil first and then when we finished we when over it with vivid and then we died it. we have learned that tapa made of a tree or plant.



Yesterday we did our values slide and we did being on time and all that other stuff like that but here's my one hope you like it blog you later.



Today we did work about Matariki and we had to make a slide and you could share it with your friends to collaborate together I created it and then these people are the authors Benaiah, Jason, Addison, Nikau, Ethan and here it is hope you like it.

Wednesday 1 July 2020


google doodle myself 

So today we had to do this for cyber smart. we took a photo of ourselves self and then you had to trace yourself in a google drawing and I have done this only once but this is my second time here it is hope you like it.
my next step is to get better at doing this 

Wednesday 3 June 2020

creative and innovative

Today we did our creative and innovative slide and here is my one I hope you like it.
my next step is to learn more about creative and innovation.

Our Weekly Value

Being Conscious of the World Around Us

This week our value is Being Conscious of the World Around Us.  This means showing awareness and empathy for what might be going on for other people and changing the way we act to be supportive of this.  
In Whakamanawa, we created a Wrinkled Heart Google Drawing to list the things that are said or done to us that make us feel down and blue.  We then wrote things that make us feel positive and fill our hearts with good feelings.

Friday 22 May 2020

Learning from mistakes

This week our vales is learn from mistakes.we have been learning about the learning pit. This shows things that make us feel like we are in the pit and how to get out.
My next step is to stay positive when I make mistakes.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Today is cultural Diversity day. 
We created a digital poster to share about our culture here is mine

My next step is to view other peoples blogs and learn about their cultures.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

writing mindmups

Writing MindMups

Being a Courteous Writer

Today we learned how to create a MindMup so we could identify and remember the things we need to do when writing so we are showing courtesy to our audience.  For many of us, creating a MindMup was a new experience.  This is the one we co-created
Our next step is to use MindMup for organizing our ideas in different subject areas.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

steps check in.

Steps Check In
How my stepweb work is going
Today we looked at how many minutes we have done on stepweb in the last eight weeks. This is a screenshot of my time so far.
my goal for steps time each week for the rest of the term is:85 minutes a week..

Monday 18 May 2020

Today I did my lockdown learning reflection 

Monday 11 May 2020

Today I had to do my school work on positive sayings this is what I came up with.

Friday 8 May 2020

why it's good to eat healthy

Why it's good to eat healthy 

It's good for your wellbeing healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and helps reduces risk of type 2 diabetes high blood pressure high blood cholesterol.
5 benefits of eating healthy
Weight loss
Reduced cancer risk
Diabetes management
Heart health and stroke prevention
Strong bones and teeth
Better mood
Improved memory.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Im doing my blog on why kids need to get fresh air

Getting kids outside on a regular basis can improve their wellbeing and health.
The fresh air helps clean their lungs, ridding them of dust improves their blood pressure and heart rate It helps to strengthen their immune system leading to healthier kids also having the sun on their skin the get the vitamin D from the sun. Kids get to work off their energy can improve their skills for sports as in speed, strength, stamina. Also  fun to play with your mates even getting mum dad sisters brothers or your twin out in the fresh air playing games can be fun for all. 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Today i did facts about cats and here it is i hope you like it.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Today I made facts about tigers I hope you like it..

Friday 24 April 2020

facts about turtles

These are my facts about turtles I hope you like it.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Wednesday 22 April 2020

facts about covid-19

facts about COVID-19

COVID-19 is a virus that can get you sick.

The symptoms are runny nose, tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, aches and pains.

If you get it you have to go in isolation for 14 days. Some people will go to the hospital. Some people will not get better and will end up in intensive care where they might get better but some may pass away.

Soon we are moving out of level 4 going into level 3.Which means more of the shops are allowed to open but only for click and collect. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Need and wants

Needs and Wants    
we have been learning for home and it's fun we get to go on a google meet and talk to our teaches and I'm going put a photo down the bottom. 

Wednesday 15 April 2020