
Monday 20 May 2019

What does respect look like in Ngakaunui


  1. kia ora brodie it is lucy from Gilberthope school i like the positive things that you did on the blog post
    maybe next time you could make you're words big or small
    you also blowed my socks off by for now

  2. also i liked the good words obe of my faorite was the one that said let them play with you

  3. supe brodie it's cody here I love this cause it looks like you put a lot of work in to it you brought me back to the time when I made one next time you should say why you would do that bye

  4. Kia ora, i'm phoebe from gilberthorpe school, and i like the background that you made and it's good and awesome, and maybe next time you can made some more interesting words

  5. kia ora brodie it is olivia
    i enjoyed the way that you put a lot of stuff about ngakaunui it is cool i like it. you brought me back to when i did it
    why did you do that much stuff
    how did you come up with so much cool stuff ?????

  6. sup brodie
    i liked the way you put a lot of cool stuff
    you brought me back to when we did all of this cool stuff last week
    next time you could put some more stuff like word in the respect area
    good bye

  7. hiy ti is her lexi i like one amat ngakaunui Bekos it is inttsin to reb bat you kod .

  8. hi brodie this is me bea from your class and i like this that you respect all of us and can please next time put more but it was great it the way it are i like the part of helping everyone in class and your background was pretty cool and next time, you could do lots of writing and actually it was cool!
    from: bea

  9. kia ora brodie it's Kaycee From Ngakaunui
    I really enjoyed the way that you put a lot of stuff about Our Class it is Amazing I like The Part where it says Helping others in Class. Mabey your next step could be Adding more informatcion.Blog you later

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Brodie It's Connor.A here
    i like the way you Write the words nice and clear
    when i read your post my head Blowup!
    nest time you could finsh you work

  12. kia ora my name is Ema-leigh if you don't know me that is fine.
    i like what you put on the envelope about your class. about what does it feel like. i like the way you did the things you do in class like your rules in class.


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Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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