
Friday 26 March 2021

 In Nga tangata,Hurumanu 1 we studied the lives of some local, nation and a hero is a male or female or group of people who have a kind heart and a big heart.

I made some slides about 6 sporting heroes. They were Richie Mo’unga Chelsea Bremmer Richie Mccaw Valerie Adams Mbappe Cistano Rondldo.

I also made some slides about a local hero who achieved honours in cricket. He was Richard Hadlee.

We read about a music group called Crowed House they were said to be ‘heroes for on Day when they performed in Christchurch recently.

Earthquake heroes I researched were 

Zhihong Lu, George Piper, Evan Mcclellan, Anja Hansen, 

Richard Foot, Craig Thompson, Kent Huxford , Dr Bryce Curran

1 comment:

  1. A very good beginning to your Heroes Blog Brodie. Do you think you can also Blog your story about a day in your life as a Super Hero? Crowded House will hopefully be heroes for more than just one day when they go on tour abroad. Keep up your good effort.


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