
Monday 27 July 2020

what is poetry

this is all I know  right now about poetry 

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Inquiry and arts Reflections

Inquiry and Arts Reflections

Art: I thought our Tapa Art unit was interesting because…we could learn about it more and we got to do it

If I rate myself out of 10 for how well I participated in our art unit, I would give myself a… 10/10

In our Tapa Art unit, I learned:

1)how they make the tapa

2)they have different meanings

3)how they made the cloth

Inquiry: I thought our Social Science unit about inventions throughout time was interesting because… We got to look at what it looked like in the old days.

If I rate myself out of 10 for how well I participated in our Inquiry unit, I would give myself a…10/10

In our innovations unit, I learned: the difference

1) what olden day things look like

2)rich kids had it easy

3)rich kids got to go to school

Thursday 2 July 2020

tapa design

tapa design on Monday and Tuesday.

 we have been doing this thing called tapa cloths we grabbed a brown bit off paper and vivid and we drew a design with pencil first and then when we finished we when over it with vivid and then we died it. we have learned that tapa made of a tree or plant.



Yesterday we did our values slide and we did being on time and all that other stuff like that but here's my one hope you like it blog you later.



Today we did work about Matariki and we had to make a slide and you could share it with your friends to collaborate together I created it and then these people are the authors Benaiah, Jason, Addison, Nikau, Ethan and here it is hope you like it.

Wednesday 1 July 2020


google doodle myself 

So today we had to do this for cyber smart. we took a photo of ourselves self and then you had to trace yourself in a google drawing and I have done this only once but this is my second time here it is hope you like it.
my next step is to get better at doing this