
Friday 22 May 2020

Learning from mistakes

This week our vales is learn from mistakes.we have been learning about the learning pit. This shows things that make us feel like we are in the pit and how to get out.
My next step is to stay positive when I make mistakes.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Today is cultural Diversity day. 
We created a digital poster to share about our culture here is mine

My next step is to view other peoples blogs and learn about their cultures.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

writing mindmups

Writing MindMups

Being a Courteous Writer

Today we learned how to create a MindMup so we could identify and remember the things we need to do when writing so we are showing courtesy to our audience.  For many of us, creating a MindMup was a new experience.  This is the one we co-created
Our next step is to use MindMup for organizing our ideas in different subject areas.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

steps check in.

Steps Check In
How my stepweb work is going
Today we looked at how many minutes we have done on stepweb in the last eight weeks. This is a screenshot of my time so far.
my goal for steps time each week for the rest of the term is:85 minutes a week..

Monday 18 May 2020

Today I did my lockdown learning reflection 

Monday 11 May 2020

Today I had to do my school work on positive sayings this is what I came up with.

Friday 8 May 2020

why it's good to eat healthy

Why it's good to eat healthy 

It's good for your wellbeing healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and helps reduces risk of type 2 diabetes high blood pressure high blood cholesterol.
5 benefits of eating healthy
Weight loss
Reduced cancer risk
Diabetes management
Heart health and stroke prevention
Strong bones and teeth
Better mood
Improved memory.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Im doing my blog on why kids need to get fresh air

Getting kids outside on a regular basis can improve their wellbeing and health.
The fresh air helps clean their lungs, ridding them of dust improves their blood pressure and heart rate It helps to strengthen their immune system leading to healthier kids also having the sun on their skin the get the vitamin D from the sun. Kids get to work off their energy can improve their skills for sports as in speed, strength, stamina. Also  fun to play with your mates even getting mum dad sisters brothers or your twin out in the fresh air playing games can be fun for all. 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Today i did facts about cats and here it is i hope you like it.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Today I made facts about tigers I hope you like it..