
Tuesday 12 November 2019



  1. Kia ora Brodie it is lucy here from gilberthorpe school maybe next time you could add more words into you derstrpshoin. i liked how you took your time.when i read your post i learnt not to just add pretty fonts or enything like pithchers that we all do not need.

  2. Kia Ora Brodie its Kaycee from your class
    I really like what your writing its amazing
    I really like you cats name
    Maybe next time you could add more information
    well ill blog you later

  3. Kia ora Brodie Bea here,
    I like your cat and maybe next time you could put more word about her or he and the facts you have used are good.I like the name of the cat and I kind of like.
    Blog you later Brodie

  4. HI Brodie, I like your cat name, which is called Marmalade. It is such a cool name, I like it! Maybe did you saw that your spelling and grammar did have problem, oney of your word spell wrong and two words did not make sense? Maybe you could do more description about your cat, bye!!!!!!!!

  5. hey brodie its banana here
    i liked the way you put the funny photo of the cat
    you brought me back to when we did this pet description
    why did you do blog post

  6. Hi brodie Addison here I like this blog post I like how you did marmalade even tho you could of done lamb lamb
    keep up the good work"
    Love Addison

  7. Kia Ora Brodie,Acasia here
    I really like how you have laid this blog post out. I really like the name for your cat. Do you have this cat or is it just what you would like? Maybe next time you could say something before the post like what you were told to do or something but over all this is a great post!

  8. like your cat that name is a nice name to call a cat an your cat looks like a wonder full cat

  9. Hi it's Cody your cat sounds nice next time maby does your cat actually kiss ok bye

  10. it is olivia m l likeyou pet work and the pet is good one and your best friend.. good bye

  11. i like the name marmalade and marmalade to.

  12. I like your cat but sorry I don't usually like cats but they sure cute make sure she doesn't scratch anyone.


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