
Thursday 26 September 2019

my best thing in this term is doing boxing at school and getting half of my 5 time's tables right and playing ki o Rahi.


Friday 20 September 2019

orana park

                     Yesterday on Thursday we went to Orana Park. We got there and had morning tea. Then we saw the person that was taken as around the zoo. Her name was Colleen and she was cool and we when around half of the zoo. Then it was lunch and then after lunch, we went around the rest of the zoo. Then we got on the bus went up a big hill and then the way down it fun because of How My tummy felt weird and here is 3 facts. A female lion needs 5kg of meat a day. A male needs 7kg or more a day. the lion is the second-largest cat in the world.they don't need a drink for four days

Wednesday 18 September 2019

3 facts about lions

tomorrow we are going to Orana park and we had to pick an animal. That we are going to see and we had to facts about it.

Thursday 5 September 2019


today in numeracy we had to do this and we had to do like how are we going in term 3 ok bye

Wednesday 4 September 2019


                                        Hi its Brodie here today in maths we were learning about 
                                           measurement and we got a sheet to do and it was easy 
                                                And then we had to do a slide about it so here is a slide hope you
today in literacy we were learning about tonga language week ok bye.