
Wednesday 13 June 2018


  1. Kia ora, Milla here from Gilberthorpe School I liked the way you have a photo and that you said we make a good team good team work guy's. Did you think about maybe adding some more slides and writing ? Next time you could maybe show us a photo of the hut . Well done guy's Great Teamwork !

  2. Hi Brodie its Emalea. Wow they are great rules for the hut. What was your favourite part? I like the way you thought of all different rules. Maybe next time you should write something about what you have been learning or an intro because some one from a different school might have no idea why you wrote this. Anyway Great job! Thats all from me, Bye

  3. kia ora its Acasia from gilberthorpe school. I enjoyed the part when you done the last slide and said that you make a good teem the was nice. The facts you have used are really really good.when did you post this on your blog? #good job

  4. Kia Ora this is Skyla from Whakamanawa
    Today I have been looking at your blog. This has been intresting.
    I enjoyed the part when you made up your own kind of hut. Did you know that I realy liked how you made a 3D hut with it.
    How come you made your background like that. It was a little hard to read.


  5. Kia ora I'm Nevaeh form whakamana.
    I liked the way you said at the end that you make a good team and your 3d hut it amazed me and skyla. did you think about the colour so people can read it. Next time you could write a intro and a outro. blog you later xD

  6. Hey Brodie Chelsea here I was looking at your blog and this was the first blog post I saw! I like how you have got 8 reasons for the hut! Also I like how you have put why it is by! Next time can you put some writhing in so that we know what this blog post is about? ALso can you add what was your favorite part about making this slide? Keep it up blog you later!

  7. kia ora it is Angus My favorite part is when you said that you make a
    good team with you friends. the slide persuaded me to follow your rules. but next time maybe make your slide bigger BLOG YOU LATTER

  8. Kia ora Brodie, Zoey here from Gilberthrope School!
    I really like your treaty and I can agree with all of it, because if you do fight you should for sure be kicked out for the day, because the hutts are for having and playing together and caring for eachother that is why we have the hutts! And of course you have to let other people play in your hutt if they are allowed! And there should be a rule that there is no swearing or naughty things!

    Myabe next time you could make sure that your spelling is right and maybe you could use a bit more punctuation, because I struggled to read it because the spelling wasn't all right! So go back through next time and make sure that you have spelt everything right! Well hopefully you look at this comment and take my suggestion!
    Blog U Later! :D

  9. Hi Brodie, It's Hunter here. I like your rules and that hut you made. An idea would be to make a hut in real life at your house. Some advice could be to think of another rule. That's all from me BLOG YOU LATER!!!!!

  10. hi brodie iam linny i like your work for the hut it's amazing i like it. did you think it was fun to do. how did you do it your amazing .

  11. kia ora Brodie,Courtney here i enjoyed the part when you did the hut layouts of how you wanted it,but when i saw the rules i saw can't and you weren't allowed to use cant,did you think about not using can't and taking it out of the slide,in conclusion you could say "leave things up on the hut but you can take it down if the owner says".make sure you do the font so we can read it,please.

  12. hi Brodie its levi i like itby

  13. kia ora Brodie it is me lacie from gilberthorpe school/ara tu whakata. goreat work on this how many chromebooks did you do it on? I like the rules you have put on and It was a really good Idea putting a picture of your team.


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Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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