
Friday 9 March 2018

Image result for Humpty Dumptyone day theImage result for cat in the hat was a humpty dumpty cat in the hat came and humpty jume and full down and he died and the cat in the hat halp hem up to the Hospital he came back alive and cat  in the hat was a fan of humpty and humpty dumpty was a fan so they live two gothere and they were happy all day and they went to the shop they got humpty a new hat because it had egg was  Everywhere on his hat then the cat in the hat said sorry and humpty said its ok i am sorry to so they were best bffs the end.=)

Image result for Humpty Dumptyone day theImage result for cat in the hat was a humpty dumpty cat in the hat came and humpty jume and full down and he died and the cat in the hat halp hem up to the Hospital he came back alive and cat  in the hat was a fan of humpty and humpty dumpty was a fan so they live two gothere and they were happy all day and they went to the shop they got humpty a new hat because it had egg was  Everywhere on his hat then the cat in the hat said sorry and humpty said its ok i am sorry to so they were best bffs the end.=)

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